
Kuwait Solidarity Initiative
" In solidarity with the Lebanese people "
The year 2020 has given the world many challenges, and while we are all still in phases of the pandemic lockdown and coping with different lifestyles, the devastating Beirut Port blast on August 4, 2020 added to the challenging COVID-19 news.
The blast rippled through several areas of the capital, shattering windows and doors, killing and wounding many people.
The Bailliage of Kuwait values social responsibility. In solidarity with the Lebanese people and to support the restoration and rehabilitation efforts of the damaged quarters in Beirut, Bailli Délégué Mohamad Najia, Bailli d’Honneur Faisal Al-Mannaei and Chargée de Missions Soumaya El-Azem presented a financial donation in the name of the National Bailliage to the Kuwait Red Crescent Society.
Established in 1966 the Kuwait Red Crescent Society is a branch of the International Red Crescent Society. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian network and is guided by seven fundamental principles: Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, universality and unity.
The Red Crescent was sending aid from Kuwait to Lebanon. They were helping on the ground from the second day of the crisis so were deemed to be a most trustworthy associate for putting the funds to good use.
We hope that the world will look soon to healthy and better times, and that we can enjoy wonderful dinners and events before long.

To become a member it is necessary to be recommended by two current members and to file an application.